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Diet & Nutrition Coaching

The foundation of a happy, healthy life is built in your kitchen.  If you've ever struggled to find a steady & balanced diet at any time in your life, you are not alone: nutrition is one of the most commonly misunderstood facets of overall wellness.  Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, perform as an athlete, or repair your relationship with food, I am here to support. I prescribe to a flexible dieting approach: no more one-size-fits-all methods or reliance on tunnel-visioned programs.

Diet & nutrition coaching is available in six week increments: during this time, you'll be assigned tasks to clear up your diet and points to focus on in service of your goals.  You'll enjoy a structured framework to your diet that also allows for personal choice and flexibility from one day to the next.  Developing a quality diet does not mean you cannot enjoy your life!

Our process will begin with a discussion on what you'd like to achieve and how much support you feel you need.  From there, you'll receive your plan and have an ongoing relationship with me for six weeks, checking in on a regular basis, to be sure you are feeling successful as you go. Rates for these six week packages begin around $200 and go higher depending on the detail you require in your plan and the amount of support you require. These six week packages are highly tailored and can include, but are not limited to:


- facetime with KP (scheduled in 30 minute increments) 

- a plan for your diet (IE calorie and macro goals, example food plans, or daily tasks)

- supportive online materials (IE grocery lists, sample food plans, and recipes

- weekly email check ins (for discussion on progress and questions/concerns)

- access to KP via text (for day-to-day questions/concerns)

- basic input on exercise and activity (as needed)

You can invest in as many or as few six week phases as you see fit. We will re-negotiate your program design, level of support, terms & price point with every phase in alignment with your success and growth.

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